Development Bank of Kazakhstan specializes in the financing and development of medium and large businesses - these are large-scale infrastructure and industrial facilities in Kazakhstan, which form the domestic non-resource potential and raise the country to a qualitatively new level.

We provide medium and long-term loans for investment projects and export operations, loans for current activities, intermediate and mezzanine financing, syndicated financing, financing of leasing transactions, provision of guarantees, participation in capital and interbank financing.

We finance projects in the processing sector and infrastructure, including projects from scratch - greenfield, as well as export operations and / or leasing transactions.

Bank projects are focused on the creation and development of:

  • infrastructure facilities (energy, transport, telecommunications);
  • manufacturing industries (metallurgy, chemistry, petrochemistry, pharmaceuticals, mechanical engineering, etc.);
  • facilities in the services sector (on a commercial basis): tourist, environmental, medical, educational, sports and recreational, hotel;
  • facilities in the field of food and beverage production;
  • agricultural production, including production and / or purchase, transportation of raw materials, its processing and marketing of finished products in the framework of an investment project;
  • export of Kazakhstan products, works and services.
The Bank has the right to refuse to consider the application for financing for the following reasons:

1) It was determined the Applicant and (or) the Project did not comply with the terms and conditions of the Memorandum on the credit policy of Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC

2) Deliberately false information was provided;

3) There is overdue, over 90 (ninety) days, outstanding debt on loans attracted from third parties or payments to the budget at the time of submitting an application for financing;

4) It was determined there are “stop factors” in terms of economic security both in relation to the Applicant himself/herself and to the Applicant’s officials who have the right to sign the financial documents, major participants or shareholders owning 10% or more of the shares in the authorized capital (voting shares) of the Applicant and the beneficial owners of the Applicant;

5) The Applicant is subject to bankruptcy, liquidation, rehabilitation; 

6) In relation to the Applicant, a “critical level of risk of money laundering and terrorist financing” was set or a decision was made to refuse to establish business relations in case of establishing a “high level of risk of money laundering and terrorist financing”;

7) The Applicant has a negative credit history (has a historical overdue loan debt over the past 3 years for a period of more than 180 days), as well as the project company, its participants/shareholders, except in cases of considering applications for financing investment projects for the development of international transport infrastructure included in the list of investment strategic projects determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Debt settlement in the Bank

If an overdue debt arises under obligations to the Bank, the situation can be resolved in accordance with certain conditions and procedures provided for in the agreement between the debtor (borrower) and the Bank. Below are the main stages of debt settlement and measures that can be taken by the Bank in the event of insolvency of the borrower:

1. Borrower's application:

If an overdue debt arises, the borrower must contact the Bank in writing or in another way provided for by the agreement, submitting a statement indicating the reasons for the delay in payment under the agreement, information on income and other confirmed circumstances about the need to make changes to the terms of the agreement. These changes may include deferment of payments, changes in the repayment schedule, independent sale by the mortgagor of the property that serves as security for the fulfillment of the obligation, write-off of penalties, commissions and other payments, as well as other proposals that comply with the law and the terms of the agreement.

2. Review by the Bank:

The Bank considers changes proposed by the borrower to the terms of the agreement within the established time frame in accordance with internal regulations and current legislation. After considering the borrower’s proposal, the Bank informs about the following decision:

  • Agreement with the proposed changes to the terms of the bank loan agreement;
  • Proposal for possible changes to the terms of the contract (acceptable to both parties);
  • Refusal to change the terms of a bank loan agreement, indicating a reasoned justification for the reasons for such refusal.

3. Measures taken by the Bank in case of non-compliance with requirements:

If the borrower does not fulfill or improperly fulfills its obligations under the agreement, the Bank has the right to take measures in accordance with the law and the terms of the agreement. Such measures may include the following:

  • Indisputable foreclosure of money, including by presenting a payment request, available in the borrower’s bank accounts;
  • Presentation of a demand for early repayment of the entire amount of the loan subject;
  • Filing a claim in court to collect the amount of debt under a bank loan agreement, as well as foreclosure on pledged property out of court or in court;
  • Filing a lawsuit to declare the borrower bankrupt in accordance with the law;
  • Application of other measures provided for by law and the terms of the bank loan agreement.

These steps and measures may vary depending on the contract and the legislation in force in the Republic of Kazakhstan, but they provide the Bank with tools to resolve overdue debts and ensure compliance with the terms of the contract.