Human development is one of the priorities of the Bank's personnel policy. Due to a wide cooperation network with the world development institutions, the Bank's employees regularly undergo professional development in foreign development banks and other organizations. For this purpose, the Bank developed the Rules for the organization of training and professional development of Bank employees.

Consistent with the best practices of leading foreign financial institutions, the Bank introduced the Code of Business Conduct for employees of Development Bank of Kazakhstan JSC. To determine and develop professional potential of employees, there have been developed the Rules for passing certification of employees, the Rules for the formation of the personnel reserve, etc. 

Highly qualified personnel who are able to solve the problems posed to the Bank creatively are the main resource of the Bank. Therefore, the Bank pays special attention to issues of social security of employees.

Social programs for the Bank employees:

All employees of the Bank have health insurance, which is an important factor in motivating personnel and an integral part of the Bank's social policy. The Bank also concluded an agreement on Employers’ Liability Compulsory Insurance. 

In order to integrity, optimal regulation of social and labor disputes arising in the Bank, an ombudsman is appointed from among the Bank's employees or officials.

According to the Decision of the Board of Directors dated February 24, 2023 (Minutes No. 306-2023-04), the duties of the Ombudsman are entrusted on Anvar Saidenov.

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